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发布者:Harrow哈罗国际深圳 2024-05-06 08:15:17












Confident, Active, Dedicated 

A well-rounded learner - both within the classroom and beyond

Harrow International Shenzhen values holistic education for all young people. 

Harrovians are given opportunities to 

experience what interests them through 

the Harrow Sport, Art, Leadership and Service programmes, try their best and 

push their limits with teachers' support.

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Dorothy 12年级   







*Society of Language Lxpression社团创始成员


--Jessica Pooley-Litt 学生导师


Dorothy Y12   

The things I'm trying to improve for the future are my grades, trying to be more well rounded with maintaining my grades while working on my extra curriculars.


*Bronze award for British Physics Olympiad 2022

*Co-chair of Fellowship Ambassador

*Part of International Youth Leaders

*Part of HELLO trust charity organisation

*One of the founding member for Society of Language Lxpression

As our Co-Chair of the Fellowship Ambassadors, Dorothy takes an active role in ensuring everyone in the Harrow community is supported, cared for and noticed. She works to organise school activities and initiatives, all while maintaining her A-Level grades across English Literature, Biology and Economics. Dorothy is also working on her Extended Project Qualification, focusing on psychology and personality development.

--Jessica Pooley-Litt, Tutor

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Joshua 12年级   










--Gavin Martin 学生导师


Joshua Y12   

I aspire to refine my time management and leadership skills so that I can excel not only academically but also in other aspects of my life.


*Outstanding award for The European Economics Olympiad

*Second round of The National Economics Challenge
*Harrow Shaftesbury Committee chairman

*Volunteer in 19th Asian Games in 2023
*Run Java Programming LSA Every Week

Harrow Shaftesbury Committee

Joshua has also demonstrated his leadership and programming skills by organising a Java Programming activity at the school and has had a lot of success in developing the programming skills of the younger students. Joshua is an exceptionally polite and hard working student and continues to push himself and find new challenges.

--Gavin Martin, Tutor

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Alice 11年级   






*伦敦音乐与戏剧艺术学院 - 5级单人表演奖项



--Lidia Burton 学生导师


Alice Y10   

I hope that in the future, I can become someone who can promote the cultures of certain types of theatre and encourage more people to attend theatrical performances.


* Forbes China Youth Artists 100 competition Gold Award

* The Ninth Macau International Art Competition Shenzhen division Silver Award

* Performed in international theatre at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

*LAMDA - Grade 5 Solo Acting award

* Grade 6 in Musical Theatre from Trinity

Alice loves Drama and Performing Arts. She lives and breathes it and takes part in a range of theatre opportunities both inside and outside of school.

This wide experience makes her a highly valued member of the Harrow community and we look forward to her bringing her theatrical knowledge to A Level Drama.

--Lidia Burton, Tutor

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Jessie 10年级   










--Robin Murray-Leslie 学生导师


Jessie Y10   

Harrow International Shenzhen has given me many opportunities to show my talents in different fields. Before joining the Harrow family, I was a shy person who didn’t know how to showcase my abilities. However, the teachers at Harrow International Shenzhen have provided me with invaluable support and encouragement to find the path I love and excel in my field.


*AISL Harrow Debate Championship: First Place for Online Writing Challenge,  Second place for Oral Debate Tournament Senior Final

*Bronze Award of the Duke of Edinburgh International Awards.

*TEDx speaker and music performer

*Merit in the Grade 8 ABRSM piano exam and Grade 5 music theory exam

*House captain and fellowship ambassador

*Member of the school volleyball, basketball, football, jazz band and orchestra

It is encouraged for Jessie to address any concerns openly and seek support from teachers or mentors when facing challenges. With her exceptional achievements and commitment to both academics and extracurriculars, Jessie exemplifies the values of courage, honour, humility, and fellowship that we uphold at Harrow International Shenzhen.

--Robin Murray-Leslie, Tutor

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Morris 10年级   



*爱丁堡公爵国际奖 - 铜奖

*Mental Health First Aid 资格证书
*LVMH 时装管理证书
*2024年 "迈向碳中国--大湾区青年行 "唯一澳门代表

*TEDx 副策划人
*戏剧年度奖项 - 九年级




--Miya Wu  学生导师


Morris Y10   

My academic achievements, particularly the support and encouragement from my teachers, have played a crucial role in shaping my journey. Their guidance and belief in me have inspired a strong work ethic and determination to succeed.


*Duke of Edinburgh's International Award - Bronze

*MHFA qualification

*LVMH certificate of fashion

*WHO qualification of Covid 19 prevention and emergency treatment

*Only Macau representative in "Towards Carbon China -- Bay Area Youth Tour" 2024

*Harrow Shaftesbury Committee, Whole School Director of Service 

*Chairman's Award for Service

*TEDx coordinator  

*Annual Reward of Drama - Y9

*Founding Fellowship Ambassador, Founding Vice Student Council Chair, Founding Marie Curie House Captain, Founding Boarding Council Leader

*Founding Bilingual Journalist, Editor in Chief of the Harrovian Newspaper 

Right three:Morris

Morris has exhibited outstanding achievement and leadership across academics, charity, and extracurricular activities. Furthermore, he has shown initiative by spearheading the creation of diverse clubs and initiatives, underscoring his dedication to personal development and community service. 

--Miya Wu, Tutor

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Clovis 8年级   








--Elena Crean 学生导师


Clovis Y8   

As a new student, I found myself with more activities to participate in at the school, especially performing arts and music, as the term progressed.


*7 academic rewards in Term 2, A* in Science

*Passed grade 5 theory piano with merit, grade 6 piano with distinction

*Part of Chamber, Upper School Choir and Big/Jazz band

Upper School Choir

Clovis has made an excellent start to life here at Harrow International Shenzhen. He has made good academic progress since joining the school particularly in Science where he achieved an Academic Distinction. In addition, Clovis has demonstrated fantastic understanding in Computing when using Python programming. He has settled into the school well and we are thrilled he has joined us! 

--Elena Crean, Tutor

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Sophia 7年级   




*2022年、2023年全球New Praise Festival比赛小提琴荣誉提名







--Yaeliz Rabassa 学生导师


Sophia Y7   

As a new student this year, I would like to be considered for student leadership positions next year and demonstrate my commitment.


*Academic excellence in term 1, with 32 rewards; All A and A+ in English and history in terms 1 and 2

*2022, 2023 Global New Praise Festival competition honorable mention(violin)

*2023 Hong Kong international music festival competition merit award (violin)

*Part of Korean Community "Hwarang-do" Youth Orchestra

*Passed HSK 4test

*Harrow Shenzhen student librarian, fellowship ambassador

*Part of Harrow Shenzhen orchestra, swimming team, football team

Sophia has had a successful and productive academic year at Harrow International Shenzhen. She always comes into tutor time with a positive attitude for the day ahead. Sophia has achieved many House Points and Academic Rewards from her subject teachers, which is an attestation to the work she is producing in class. 

--Yaeliz Rabassa, Tutor

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Luyanda 6年级   



*在戏剧、科学、英语、数学、地理和音乐学科获得Merits 和 Distinctions成绩





--Martha Kwaga  学生导师


Luyanda Y6   

Our school has supported and guided me by instilling Harrow values in me which reminds me that with determination and courage, anything is possible.


*Academic merits and distinctions in Drama, Science, English, Mathematics, Geography, and Music.

*Distinctions in the LAMDA exam

*Fellowship Ambassador, House Captain
*Member of Dream Team soccer

Luyanda is a very sociable and well-rounded student at Harrow International Shenzhen, excelling in academics, music, and sports. He has received numerous Merits, showcasing his dedication to his studies. Luyanda is also recognized for his leadership potential, having applied for positions like House Captain, which shows the Harrow core value of Courage.

--Martha Kwaga, Tutor

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At Harrow International Shenzhen, our ambition is to inspire our students to strive for excellence across all areas and to prepare them for a life of learning, leadership, service and personal fulfillment.

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