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国际学校大全 > 上海宏润博源学校 > 新闻动态 > SHBS活动|春季运动会:精彩绽放,欢乐共融!


发布者:上海宏润博源 2024-05-06 08:18:48


Before the SHBS Sports Day, the weather forecast indicated uncertain chances of rain, which was concerning. Fortunately, the expected rain did not occur, ensuring the event went smoothly under ideal conditions.


With Principal Bowen's announcement, "The sports day officially begins!" The SHBS sports day kicked off.

首先,是令人难忘的入场式表演!老师们表演的Baby Shark舞曲可真是魔性十足,瞬间点燃了全场同学们的热情,简直是音乐和舞蹈的完美结合!紧随其后,各个行政班依次带来它们的入场式表演。每个班级的入场表演都饱含师生们智慧与激情。巴啦啦小魔仙、阿普拉斯的故事、蓝多多来了……班主任的加入让表演更加热闹非凡,欢呼声和笑声交织着,仿佛点燃了整个校园!

First, the unforgettable opening ceremony performances! The teachers' rendition of the Baby Shark dance was truly infectious, instantly igniting the enthusiasm of all the students, a perfect fusion of music and dance! Following that were the entry performances of each administrative class. Each class's entry performance was full of wisdom and passion from both teachers and students. From Little Fairy Balala, to the story of Alphas, to the arrival of Landuoduo... The addition of the homeroom teachers made the performances even more lively, with cheers and laughter echoing through the entire campus, as if igniting the whole school!


The running race always manages to capture everyone's attention. Participants stood at the starting line, fists clenched, eyes determined, ready to face the challenge. At the referee's signal, the gunshot rang out, and the athletes' figures dashed through the air like arrows, racing towards the other side of victory! The students outside the field cheered and cheered for every striving participant, creating an exceptionally lively atmosphere.


In addition to track events, a series of exciting field events were also underway. In the long jump event, students exerted themselves to spring forward, their bodies flying like arrows into the distance; in the golf putt event, students concentrated, their postures elegant; in the one-minute skipping event, students rhythmically jumped with skipping ropes, laughter echoing across the campus; in the one-minute volleyball wall hit and table tennis ball bounce events, students' skills and reflexes were tested; in the fixed-point shooting event, students stood in front of the basketball hoop, gripping the ball tightly, eyes firm, shooting with force, the basketball flying through the air, accurately hitting the basket, applause and cheers instantly surged like a tide.


The team events were the most exciting part of the sports day! In the 4x200m relay race, teachers and students competed on the same stage, with teammates cooperating seamlessly, passing on the team's strength with blood and sweat. In the 8-person mixed relay, players not only had to deal with push-ups, tire jumps, plank walks, and stone-touching challenges, but also had to face the rowing machine challenge. It wasn't easy to reach the other side of victory! Some students grimaced under the pressure of the plank, some gasped for breath on the rowing machine, but everyone had one goal, and that was to win! Even the teachers brought out their "skills," as if they were back in their own student days.


Of course, there were also some unexpected situations. Some students missed the finish line and missed the championship, but they still insisted on finishing the race. Although they lost the race, in the hearts of their classmates, they were still worthy of the first place. Second in the competition, friendship first. Unity, cooperation, and mutual encouragement are the witness of friendship.


Every effort and struggle is a testament to one's perseverance and a practice of teamwork spirit. With Principal Chen's closing speech, the 2024 sports day came to an end, but the joyous atmosphere lingered on in the campus for a long time.

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